10:30 AM Sunday
We love getting together in our congregational setting. We pray, sing, worship, grow and support each other. We would love to see you here and hear your story.
Nosh. The Church… After Church
Each week, we get together to share a meal immediately following church to get to know each other and connect before we go out to love our community.

Church is wherever we are…
We believe that real church happens whether we are in the walls of the church or not. We carry the love of Jesus wherever we go.
Each Sunday
On Sundays we have a gathering for young people as an alternative to the sermon. After the welcome, a few songs, and a special Young People’s moment we excuse our younger folks to meet for Sunday School.
After our Sunday service, we have a gathering for the Tweens and Teens.
After every service we gather in our fellowship hall to share a meal together. First Sundays in the month we host a potluck and folks bring main dishes to share. On all other Sundays our church members bring desserts to share and the main dish is prepared by our Nosh coordinator.
Mid Week
Every Tuesday a group meets to discuss and practice Mindfulness (usually related to a particular book). These are hybrid meetings for folks in person or via Zoom.
Garden club and grounds keeping
Every Wednesday folks get together to work on trimming, weeding, watering, and general maintenance of the garden and facilities.
book group
Every Thursday a group gathers to discuss a chapter or two from a book the group has selected together. These are hybrid meetings for folks in person or via Zoom.